SHIP Features

SHIP has the versatility for clinics to tailor the system to meet the needs of individual services. SHIP can enable clinics to become paper light as it can be used as a complete Electronic Patient Record thus reducing the clutter of client files. The electronic Audit trail will track data entry changes to provide confidence that the correct information has been entered in the complete EPR.

Core Functionality

  • Registration, unlimited numbers of clients can be registered, Soundex code recorded
  • Records client demographic information, barcode/other labels, letters
  • Clinical records include:
    • Client services
    • Clinical Notes
    • Past History
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment
    • HIV Registration
    • Contact Tracing
    • Procedures
    • Vaccination
    • Recall
    • Referrals
    • Document Tracker
    • Audit Trail
    • Medical and Family History
    • Client Summary
    • Staff Reminders
    • Alerts and Reports

Module features


The Audit trail records the changes made to Fields, Previous value, New Value, the date and time the field was changed, and by whom it was changed.

Appointment Management:

  • Set up Multiple clinics across different sites, comprehensive Appointment and Available appointment Search
  • Validate Appointments
  • Priority Patient – will appear in red at the top of the Appointment List
  • Pathway: displays patient progressing through the clinic
  • Future appointments listed

Document Tracker:

  • Scan and store documents, letters, and images

Clinical Notes:

  • Incorporates Questions and Answers with tick boxes to allow quick data entry
  • Questions can be linked to modules to allow data to be entered in the module and imported into Clinical Notes
  • Lock Clinical Notes

HIV Registration

  • Monitor your HIV Clients in one module
  • Complete HIV Examination module
  • Displays graphs, client summaries
  • POCT – Point of Care Testing
  • With one click quick access to other modules


  • Generate pre formatted letters
  • Allows Clinic staff to format templates and create letters in free text, Save letters in PDF in patients EPR.


  • Signature authorization for person prescribing and administering the treatment
  • Link to websites of interest
  • Prescribing module
  • Data integrity check on mandatory fields

Laboratory Results:

  • Provides the functionality for laboratory Test management
  • Test Results imported electronically using HL7 messaging from the laboratory
  • Send Test Requests
  • Barcoded sample bottles for reading at the laboratory

Patient Summaries:

  • Generate individual patient summaries
  • Start of Consultation: View a Summary gives the Clinician an overall view of patient visits

Alerts and Staff Reminders:

  • Activate for staff members


  • Notify patients of pending appointments, negative results, clinic changes and reschedule appointments.


  • Data is collected during the process of delivering care. From this data, a series of over 250 standard reports can be accessed detailing all of the clinics activities
  • The system has two methods of generating reports. There is a collection of standard reports and an ad-hoc reporting tool which is used to supplement the standard reports as and when required
  • If we don’t have the report you need CaraData can further customise reports to suit.

SHIP Adhoc Reports:

  • Contains some built in queries and reports, and allows users to customise their own tables, queries and reports.